

Take services for persons with reduced mobility (PRM) to the next level with 彩虹 CPaaS and LBS.

Take services for persons with reduced mobility (PRM) to the next level with 彩虹 CPaaS and LBS. Everyone should be able to travel by air, no matter what physical challenges they may have. 这是任何乘客的基本权利.


More and more airlines and airports must follow regulations regarding persons with reduced mobility. These services for people with disabilities are meant to provide passengers a comfortable and worry-free experience, helping them to avoid flight delays while reducing additional costs for airlines generated by the inefficiency of the service.

T在这里 are international regulations that are intended to reinforce the PRM passengers’ rights in all forms of transport. 例如, the European rule EC N° 1107/2006 and the American DOT rule title 14 CFR part 382, state that airports are responsible for providing any required assistance, 免费, to PRM passengers from the time they enter the airport premises until they board the plane or leave the airport, 能像其他人一样坐飞机旅行.



The process behind PRM服务提供 is complex as it involves several stakeholders such as the airlines, 机场的运营商, 服务提供者, 残疾人权利组织和PRM乘客.

Efficient PRM services are key for ensuring flights leave on time and that passengers with special needs have been served according to 人口、难民和移民事务局的规定. 关闭 collaboration between stakeholders is fundamental for providing successful PRM services.

PRM服务面临很多挑战,包括准时交货, 服务质量, unpredictable schedule changes and qualification of the passenger’s requested assistance to determine the type of assistance required. The PRM service is quite important because the plane’s turn-around time depends on the efficiency of the service, 而且飞机无法清洁, 加载, 或新乘客登船,直到PRM乘客下船. 结果是, 这架飞机的日常计划时刻表将面临风险, 影响机场和航空公司的全球行程.


2016年,希思罗机场报告称,大约有1.200万PRM乘客通过该枢纽. 事实上, the number of PRM passengers has grown significantly higher than the overall passenger growth. 例如, while European airports have registered a 3% annual passenger growth, PRM的增长率约为10%至15% (国际机场检讨, 2017年5月25日).

Airports and 服务提供者s need to be ready to meet this growth with sufficient qualified staff and implement measures to improve their PRM services, such as enhancing the coordination and collaboration with airlines to enrich the experience of PRM passengers.


Visionary airports and 服务提供者s are facing those challenges by embracing new technologies that optimize and provide better quality service, t在这里by reducing the wait time for PRM passengers and assuring on-time boarding and flight departures for airlines. The innovative technology is intended to improve the operation efficiencies of the PRM service process by providing fluid work flow between the control center and PRM agents, and at the same time enhance the assistance for disabled people by improving the booking assistance process. 然后, 当在机场改善资产位置, 服务访问, 更好的指导, 以及与服务提供者的实时交互.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) provides two technology pillars to enable real-time multi-channel collaboration through a CPaaS solution and location-based services to improve the PRM service. Those solutions are integrated as a complementary element of the whole PRM service.


第一个ALE解决方案, 阿尔卡特-朗讯彩虹™ CPaaS, integrates with the business environment to provide communication services such as chat, 文件共享, voice and video over any device to enrich the PRM agent applications. 彩虹还利用了人工智能(AI), 聊天机器人, system databases and analytics to automate and simplify operational processes and create new services.

The 彩虹 CPaaS enables the PRM process improving pre-travel activities such as qualifying the PRM passenger’s request, 通过聊天机器人自动预订服务, 并提供与航空公司的直接Contact. 在机场, it eases the collaboration between the dispatching center and the PRM agent, 为乘客提供实时信息, 并将任何问题上报给服务提供商. 在旅行后的阶段, it facilitates the communications between the quality management and the airport.


第二个问题, 阿尔卡特朗讯OmniAccess®恒星定位服务(LBS), 提供室内定位地理围栏等服务, 地理位置, geo-notifications, wayfinding and asset tracking based on BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and Wi-Fi infrastructure.

Stellar LBS enhances the PRM service by offering passengers automatic notification when they are at the airport, 自助轮椅和寻路到他们感兴趣的地方. It also helps the PRM agent in locating the PRM asset and automating milestone validations. At the same time the dispatcher’s work can be optimized by better assignment of the mission, 丰富态势感知信息.

使用彩虹 CPaaS和Stellar LBS, ALE transforms the experience of PRM passengers and operational staff to something easier, 方便舒适.




作为运输解决方案经理, 能源及公用事业, 恩里克负责制定解决方案, 这些不同领域的价值主张和内容, 支持全球ALE销售团队. 拥有超过15年的电信火狐体育手机经验, 专注于企业市场, Enrique是ALE国际中心售前团队的一员, 为全球销售和售前团队提供广泛的支持. His expertise includes end-to-end solutions, network VoIP design, UCC and UCaaS solutions.





An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.



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