Sustainable product design program: A view from our Terminals team

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The eco-design "MakCCIng Durable” program transformed the way the ALE team designs terminals.


Eco-design is not only about meeting compliance requirements but also about embracing the business opportunity to deliver technology for good, 换句话说, solutions that help our customers meet their own sustainability goals 和 have a less negative impact on the planet.

生态设计是复杂的. We often think about recycled materials, energy savings, 和 focus on carbon footprint. 这些话题都很重要, but t在这里 are many other parameters that must be considered when you do a full life cycle analysis (LCA).

沿着这条路走, Herve财大 让·保罗·庞赛特, from ALE Terminals Communications Business Division, 参加了一年, in an eco-design program called "MakCCIng Durable», launched by the Chamber of Commerce 和 Industry, 位于法国东部.

新系列的手机, the team wanted to go further in ensuring ALE solutions are sustainable 和 greener 和 learning from experts by participating in the "MakCCIng Durable" program did exactly that.

“We developed an eco-design approach for a product known as a DECT access point, which receives radio signals emitted by mobile phones 和 is transferred over wired links. We have developed our product so that it is powered by the network cable, which has enabled us to remove the power supply accessory that we supplied on the previous product. This has enabled us to divide the volume of product transported by 6.” says 让·保罗·庞赛特, Wireless Phones Product Manager.

The electronic 和 mechanical parts of the product were also redesigned, which enabled a reduction of the weight of the base from 173 g to 109 g, so the total weight of the transported product was cut by 71%.

The sustainable-making program will help ALE create better-designed products, as all ALE products on the market are reviewed from the sustainability design point of view.

“We're also going to set up programs to recover 和 re-commission these products so that they can be reused, 通过这种方式, we're going to further reduce our environmental impact,伊曼纽尔·佩莱格里尼说, 码头部总监, 在阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司工作.

Discover the objective 和 the results achieved in the video below:

Eco-design of terminals (MakCCIng Durable program) - 英语 subtitles

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Product Line Manager 在阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司工作

Hervé is a deskphone specialist with 15 years experience in telecommunication solutions 和 is currently Product Line Manager 在阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司工作. 

在此之前,他是R&D expert for Ergonomy 和 User Interfaces in Deskphone team with ALE.




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标签- 设备, 啤酒公司
