A Digital Transformation journey

a person smiling for the camera

What exactly needs to be transformed?

For some, a digital transformation (DT) is like trying to manage chaos. How do you even know w在这里 to start? 而对其他人来说, 他们认为成功的数字化转型只不过是一次技术升级.


ALE - DT的演变
When I arrived at ALE as CIO in Fall 2017, 它的重点是公司数字化转型的演变. 我的目标是带领这家创新的科技公司走上一段旅程,使其成为其渠道合作伙伴和客户在寻求自己的数字化转型努力时的榜样.

How do you reach the full potential of a digital transformation, particularly when righting the ship of a nearly 100 years old company? 希望你的业务不是一成不变的,但如果是,找一个变革的推动者. 然后开始 recognizing and understanding what exactly needs to be transformed.

正如我提到的, the goal at ALE is to be a role model, 因此,我们接受了这一点,并将质量作为区分我们与竞争对手的关键. 确保我们业务的数字化转型和质量水平成为公司强大的资产, we created a Digital Transformation & 质量组织, which was built around product quality, 客户体验和公司的运营模式保持简单高效.

These changes then helped to reshape how the organization viewed technology and its direct impact on the business. Because simply adding new capabilities, 比如选择一个分析应用程序或扩展你的客户关系管理系统, is not a digital transformation. 但深入挖掘, 例如, to ensure information is available, accessible and useable via any device and location, gives your organization a means to reinvent processes, technologies and products that drive performance.

创建数字工厂团队背后的想法是关注并支持标准化技术的业务. 我的意思是提供一种单一的方法和系统来完成任务,帮助企业以尽可能低的成本扩大运营规模. 记住, it’s not about a specific technology platform, it’s about an organizational view of technology. And of course, this resonates in the IT department. But what about the rest of the company and the average employee?

指导组织进行数字化转型可能具有挑战性. Most companies have an embedded culture, which can mean a slow change. Queue up the change agent factor because this is w在这里 asking “Why?开始发挥作用. 变革推动者对过去没有偏见,而且是未来的啦啦队长. What happens next is the answers to the “Why?的问题,揭示了组织文化的缺陷,而这往往会成为公司未来数字化成功的主要障碍之一. 这是领导者创造数字文化以向前发展的十字路口.   

Reinforce your new digital culture
What reinforces a new digital culture, you ask? As with any company initiative, 应用愿景通常从高层开始,需要一种涓滴向下的方法. 让管理人员支持数字化转型将确保您的业务发展到最大潜力. The role of the manager should be to make decisions quickly, 授权他们的团队发展新技能,同时也暗示员工在促进新的数字文化方面的角色. You may even want to create a small, 敏捷团队,在快速的项目周期中工作,以改善业务.

在ALE,我们创造了 数码影像工作室. 它是小型临时团队联合起来处理特定主题的目标,以尽可能快地创造最大价值. 供应链转型是数码影像工作室的试点项目,旨在首先改善客户交付,以支持我们的客户体验目标. Without going into too many details, 我们听到的矛盾是客户说我们的交货没有我们系统显示的那么及时. 罪魁祸首? 软件. Because software can be delivered almost instantly, 这些数据掩盖了硬件到达所需的额外时间.

数字工作室增加了整个过程中所有数据的可访问性. For example, we integrated the stock level data with customer orders. 这个小小的改进节省了大量分析无担保订单积压的时间. 这有助于运营团队专注于他们的工作,避免在数据操作上浪费时间. In the end, addressing the issues improved the on-time delivery by 15%.

对于任何正在进行数字化转型的企业,我最好的建议是尽最大努力对公司的数字化目标有一个清晰的概念. This will help measure progress, see successes and challenges, all while shaping the culture of your business.

2018年11月,我将在2018年数字转型与技术峰会上分享详细的发现和未来的见解. 看一看这次活动,有助于进一步评估你的公司应该如何发展,从数字技术和商业模式中获取最大价值. 你可以获得一个数字战略路线图,并准备在你的公司进行转型! http://www.platinumedgegrp.com/digital-transformation-and-technology-summit/

a person smiling for the camera


Executive Vice President, Business Technology & 质量、啤酒

Piotr在IT、运营和服务方面拥有超过20年的领导经验. 他最近在通用电气可再生能源公司担任首席信息官服务和高级分析职位. Piotr has created and executed broad, 利用数据分析将数字化作为竞争武器的创新战略, social networking tools and legacy IT. 他拥有最高的六西格玛黑带认证,并在领导规模方面拥有深入的专业知识, 全球工业组织和复杂的应用/基础设施组合以及数字化转型项目. He is the author of “Happiness Level Agreement”, which links digital operations with user satisfaction. He is a co-author of “Houston we have a… project”, which presents various experiences in the project management domain. 

Piotr is tri-lingual and holds an MBA from the Manchester Business School; an MS in Computer Science from Warsaw University of Technology and is a graduate of the HEC Paris executive program.



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